Curent inteligence on the Trakalite menace
I hope this letter reaches you all in the best of health. I must apologise for the incident at last years Gathering. I didn't think that the Trakalites would stoop so low and I beg forgiveness from Ishmar. I am truly sorry that I cannot attend any of this years clan gatherings. At present I am following up some very good information gained from a very talkative Trakalite (it's amazing what a little torture can reveal)! The information proves the link between Dark Trade and the Trakalites.
Trakalites? What are they? Where do they come from? How can I tell a Trakalite from any other race? These are questions I intend to answer along with a brief history of the Trakalites.
Trakalites are humans which originate from the island of Trakal which lies 100 leagues North-East of Trojal. They look and talk just the same as anyone else, although they are stronger and more resilient than most peoples. This could be due to the fact of their upbringing, two days after their birth the babies are taken to a high place at dusk and left alone until dawn the following day, the ones who survive are then educated in warcraft from as early an age as possible.
Trakal is a very warlike country with many mountains and barren hills. This landscape has not many good agricultural properties and so not much food is produced on Trakal.
Food used to be traded from Trojel, in exchange for gold and gems, along with military service from the Trakalite Army. Around two hundred years ago the Trakalite High Command decided to stop paying this tax and attacked Trojel. They enslaved many people to work in their mines and took control of farms in the North of the country. This attack was beaten back, but many of the soldiers fighting for Trojel were Trakalites in origin, so many Trojelians were killed. The fearsome magic of the "Five of the Ring" was called upon to make a magic wall to separate the Trakalites in the North from the Trojelians in the South. This wall was then advanced northwards pushing the Trakalites into the sea and back to Trakal. The Trakal God Torbelthane was angered at this massacre of his worshipers. The "Five of the Ring" were destroyed when Torbelthane opened a portal to another world which released many beasts unknown in Trojel before. With the destruction of the "Five of the Ring the magic wall and portal disappeared, leaving the North country populated with strange beasts.
Trojel now had problems of it's own. Food supplies were running short, and the farmland in the north was overrun with monsters. At the same time the Priesthood of Torbelthane recommended human sacrifice, after many years, stating that their God needed more souls. The priests now held Trakal in their ultimate power. Many other
old and brutal customs re-emerged in Trakal, leaving most of Trakal's elite and educated citizens dead.
There was a period of one hundred and sixty years whilst both sides sought to build up their resources and military powers, after which the skirmishes began again. The Trakalites have now conquered the North of Trojel, (at least they had to fight the monsters first!), and are trying to take the South. The South has not yet fallen.
Anyway, that is quite enough rambling for one day. I have been informed that King Selwin will be sending some representatives to this years Gathering, but I am unable to find out who.
May the Ancestors protect you.
Strengths: Due to the upbringing and daily training, which is started as soon as a baby can pick up a small sword, the Trakalites are stronger, more resilient and generally tougher than other humans. ie extra body dev. They are well disciplined highly trained troops that more than likely will not rout in a battle. They are honourable foes and will not attack from behind etc. They would rather die than surrender to a foe that is seen as being weaker than they are. There are many zealots in the Trakalites who are willing to die for their god. Their belief in their one true god means that religious based magics have no effect on them. They treat conquered peoples fairly well as long as these people reject their previous beliefs and accept the Trakalite's Beliefs. The have a very severe code of law with slavery, capital punishment and torture being used as punishments.
Weaknesses: Trakalites do not use mages, or incantors very often, using magic is seen as being weak. Magical healing is also frowned upon. (If it is your time to die nothing can stop it). Some magic items can be used by Trakalites but only if the priests of Torbelthane have checked to see if they would fit their very strict moral code. They will feel unsafe with the ritual of peace in place, as they might not die if defeated in battle; this would totally demoralise them and they would try and commit suicide at the first opportunity (even though this is also seen as a sign of weakness.) They also see all other peoples and other races as being inferior, this added to the living sacrifices made to their god along with slavery, make them unpopular with most peoples. There have been rumours of dark magic been used by the high command of the Trakalites, anyone heard by the priests saying anything untoward about the high command or mentioning high command and dark trade together usually disappear never to be seen again. The Trojelians are using this rumour in propaganda against the Trakalites.
Abilities: Due to their utmost belief in their god, Torbelthane, they are immune to the effects of religious magics (incantor and healing magics), unless it is used by a priest of Torbelthane and then it works as normal. Some Trakalites think they are immune to all magic, until they find out too late. They are also stronger and more resilient than other peoples are.
Social structure: Trakalites are warriors first and citizens second. Their social structure is much like that of Romans, except that they are ruled by a high command of 8 persons, 6 taken from the high ranks of the army and 2 from the top of the priesthood of Torbelthane.
These 8 persons are responsible for every aspect of life for the Trakalites. The high priest of Torbelthane is the person who is mostly in charge, he is the one who has to look after the souls of his flock and nobody (not even the rest of the high command) will go against him. It is this same priest who started the human (and other races) sacrifices to Torbelthane almost 160 years ago.
Because the Trakalites prefer fighting to growing crops and farming in general, they have to import most of their foodstuffs, these are either bought with gems and precious metals mined in the mountains of Trakal by slaves and prisoners, or are taken from conquered lands. Nobody is allowed to criticise the priests, and there are witch-hunts whenever someone does, usually ending up with the priest winning and lots of other people being tortured and killed. The priests are also the lawgivers, being the judge and jury, and usually the executioner too. There are priests in every unit of Trakalites, most of these do not use magic but preach to the rest of the unit, helping moral and also persuading others that what they are doing is correct. These priests are disliked by some Trakalites but nothing can be said without the risk of death at the hands of the priests.